358 Wythe Creek Road, Poquoson, VA 23662

How To Recognize The Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea

If you have issues going to sleep and staying that way, then you may need treatment for a sleep disorder. Sleep apnea can interrupt your sleep cycle and leave you exhausted, and also leads to concerns with your immune system and heart health. Our Poquoson, VA sleep clinic wants to make sure you know how to recognize the symptoms of sleep apnea!

The Causes of Your Disorder

Sleep apnea could occur for a number of different reasons. For example, factors behind it include large neck circumference, deviated septum, sinus and allergy issues, obesity, and your sleep habits. Resting on your back and consuming large amounts of alcohol right before bed could be factors. With this disorder, the soft tissues in your throat and the rear of your mouth collapse and cut off airflow. You stop breathing for several seconds until the brain wakes you. Even if you don’t remember this happening, this could interrupt your sleep cycle hundreds of times every night, leaving you exhausted and suffering from numerous uncomfortable symptoms. Over time, this could even strain your heart health and immune system!

The Common Symptoms

How do you know if you have a disorder like sleep apnea? Often, people report chronic snoring, daytime exhaustion, irritability, and trouble focusing on tasks at work or school. Dry mouth and headaches are common too, as is waking suddenly in the gasping for air or choking. You could suffer from sore throat and lack of energy during the day too. Your significant other may let you know about your snoring and breathing cessation too. Don’t ignore these symptoms, instead contact our team to schedule a diagnosis and find out if you need treatment.

Starting Treatment

Our team will examine your smile and assess your breathing capabilities at night, so we can decide if you need treatment for sleep apnea. If so, then our team will often opt for an oral appliance, a CPAP-alternative that fits comfortably and provides effective means of ensuring uninterrupted breathing at night. The appliance will look and fit like a mouthguard, and is worn as you rest at night. The oral appliance then shifts your jaw and tongue forward to keep airways open and free of obstruction, so you breathe without interruption and avoid the symptoms we’ve discussed in today’s blog.

If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat the disorder, or if you think, you may be experiencing the symptoms of sleep apnea, then please reach out to our team to schedule a consultation. Everyone deserves a good night’s rest!

Talk To Hunt Sleep Solutions About Starting Treatment

We want to make sure you can enjoy a good night’s rest, and feel more rested and alert during the day. If you want to know more about recognizing and treating issues that impact your ability to rest, please call Hunt Sleep Solutions at 757.868.6651.