358 Wythe Creek Road, Poquoson, VA 23662

Sleep Apnea Can Be Treated With Oral Appliances

Do you have trouble staying asleep at night? Do you wake up struggling to breathe or feel exhausted during the day? If so, then you may be experiencing a serious disorder known as sleep apnea. Our Poquoson, VA sleep clinic can provide a custom treatment for your sleep apnea instead of a CPAP machine!

The Causes of Poor Sleep

How does sleep apnea happen? Factors behind the disorder range from large neck circumference, density, sleeping on your back, excessive alcohol usage, and sinus or allergy issues. A deviated septum could be a factor too, and while kids and adults of all ages can suffer from the disorder, it primarily impacts men 55 and older. With the disorder, as you sleep at night soft tissues in the back of your mouth and in your throat collapse and cut off airflow, so you stop breathing until the brain wakes you up in response to the lack of oxygen. This could happen hundreds of times each night, even if you don’t, remember it, and leave you exhausted.

Complication for Your Quality of Life

Sleep apnea means frequent daytime exhaustion, moodiness, and difficulty concentrating on your tasks at school or work. You also suffer from dry mouth and headaches, and the stress on your immune system could mean more frequent illness too. In addition, the disorder also strains your cardiovascular system to increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and even stroke or heart attack. When you experience symptoms, let us know right away. These could include chronic snoring, waking up struggling to breathe or choking, daytime drowsiness, and irritability.

Custom Oral Appliance

While a CPAP machine and surgery can be effective, whenever possible we opt for a less invasive option. With an oral appliance, we create a mouthguard-like device based on detailed digital impressions of your smile. The completed device fits like a mouthguard and is worn as you rest. The device then shifts the jaw and tongue forward to keep air passages from being obstructed by collapsed soft tissues. You then breathe without complication and feel more rested and alert during your waking hours. The device is easy to use, clean, and store, and can help you enjoy better a quality of life.

If you have any questions about our sleep solutions, choosing our custom oral appliances, then reach out today. Everyone deserves the ability to rest easy and feel more relaxed.

Talk To Hunt Sleep Solutions About Our Custom Oral Appliances

Our team wants to help you rest with ease using our custom and comfortable oral appliance, so you can avoid the long-term impacts of sleep apnea. If you want to know more about stopping your sleep issues with a custom oral appliance, please call Hunt Sleep Solutions at 757.868.6651.