358 Wythe Creek Road, Poquoson, VA 23662
Senior couple sleeping on bed

Snoring is Affecting My Relationship

When your sleep troubles include problems with snoring, you may not be the only person whose rest quality is suffering. The loud, awkward noises you make while breathing at night can be difficult for your partner. As a result, they may be struggling to feel refreshed and focused during the day, creating tension between the two of you. While it is safe to assume you are not voluntarily snoring, you should know that there are treatments to address the matter so that it no longer creates issues in your relationship.

Why Am I Making So Much Noise As I Sleep?

Those loud, rumbling sounds people sometimes make during sleep can occur when partial airway blockages occur. As muscles in the throat relax during rest, soft tissues can restrict breathing in ways that cause snoring, tossing and turning, and even lapses in your ability to take in air. Obstructive sleep apnea is a form of this problem that persists over longer periods of time. People who have this condition lose oxygen for so long that their body must awaken itself and correct the airway obstruction, breaking their sleep cycle and making their nightly rest less helpful.

An Oral Appliance Can Improve Your Nightly Breathing

Better breathing throughout the night can make your rest more refreshing, and it can assist you in sleeping without making disruptive noise. We take careful measurements in order to provide oral guards that fit comfortably and carefully correct the position of the lower jaw to prevent airway interference. When worn, your guard can help you and your partner sleep more peacefully!

Talk To Hunt Sleep Solutions About The Use Of A Custom Guard For Sound Sleep!

With the aid of your custom oral appliance, you can be free from worries about snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. To find out how we can help you and your partner enjoy better rest, call our Poquoson, VA clinic at 757.868.6651.