358 Wythe Creek Road, Poquoson, VA 23662

Don’t Let Snoring Harm Your Relationship

Poquoson snoring

Do you often snore? If so, this could impact how well your significant other sleeps, and also mean you yourself have trouble resting easily. Over time, this could mean sleep apnea and even impacts on your overall health. At our helpful sleep clinic in Poquoson, VA, we can provide solutions to your chronic snoring and sleep apnea.

The Causes of Chronic Snoring

When you snore, this could keep your partner from resting properly and cause exhaustion. For you, this could mean the presence of sleep apnea, a disorder in which people stop breathing multiple times a night as soft tissues cut off airflow. The brain wakes you once it registers the drop in oxygen, but these interruptions leave them exhausted and can mean major health impacts over time. The cause could include a large neck circumference, sinus and allergy issues, a deviated septum, excessive alcohol consumption, and issues with the growth and development of the smile and key oral structures.

Other Factors and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

As part of the diagnostic process, we will carefully examine your smile and may recommend an at-home sleep test too. You should be aware of the common symptoms, so you can seek treatment to improve how well you rest. Along with chronic snoring, you could feel tired during the day, wake with dry mouth, and experience headaches, and feel irritable or moody. Difficulty concentrating is common, as are issues with memory. Without treatment, this could strain your immune system and even lead to complications with your cardiovascular health, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and even stroke or heart attack.

Treating Your Disorder

While a CPAP machine can help you breathe without interruption, the device is loud and cumbersome, and many people simply stop using them. But we have a more comfortable and convenient option to treat sleep apnea and stop chronic snoring. Our team will take detailed digital images and measurements of your smile, which we use to custom-fit an oral appliance that is worn as you rest. The device fits comfortably and is easy to clean and store. The appliance shifts your jaw and tongue to keep soft tissues from collapsing, so your airways are clear. You then enjoy a good night’s rest again!

If you have any questions about how our team diagnoses and treats issues like sleep apnea, or if you would like to receive a diagnosis, then contact our team today to learn more. You enjoy a better quality of life, and that starts with better sleep.

Learn More About Snoring Treatment With Hunt Sleep Solutions!

Our team wants to help you obtain better rest, so you feel more alert and enjoy better overall health. To schedule a consultation to stop your chronic snores, speak with Hunt Sleep Solutions in Poquoson, VA at (757)868-6651 today!